The Tabernacle and the community
Today’s “parasha” {פרשה} (weekly Torah portion) is “Va-yak’hel” {ויקהל} (and he assembled) – which is the tenth “parasha” in the Book of
Today’s “parasha” {פרשה} (weekly Torah portion) is “Va-yak’hel” {ויקהל} (and he assembled) – which is the tenth “parasha” in the Book of
When Moses and Aaron stood before Pharaoh and performed the miracles God commanded them to do, it is written that Pharaoh’s
One of the most sacred garments which became a symbol of the High Priest in the Temple was the Holy
As mentioned in the post of “Parashat Shemot” {פרשת שמות} (the first weekly Torah portion of the Book of
In yesterday’s post we discussed Jethro’s visit to Moses. At the end of this visit, the Bible tells us about the
When Pharaoh finally let the Children of Israel go from Egypt, he suddenly decided to change his mind and sent
Today’s “parasha” {פרשה}(weekly Torah portion) is “Beshalach”{בשלח} -Hebrew for “when he let go.” It is the fourth “parasha” from the Book
The heavenly bread that the Children of Israel ate in the desert is better known by its other name “manna.” In
When Moses was a baby, his mother put him in a basket and sent it floating on the Nile in
When Jethro came to visit Moses, he did not come alone. Jethro’s daughter Zipporah (Moses’ wife) and Moses’ two sons